Wilhelm Friedemann Bach sketch


Dr. Martin Falck-Leipzig : C. F. Kahnt Nachfolger, c1913. Printed in Leipzig by C. F. Kahnt (Publisher). A front page has a 1913 copyright notice and a 1919 printing year. The image is credited to P. Guelle taken from the original in the Royal Library, Berlin.. Original uploader was SchroCat at en.wikipedia.

Later version(s) were uploaded by We hope at en.wikipedia.
856 x 964 Pixel (696119 Bytes)
Photo of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach from the book Wilhelm Friedemann Bach : sein Leben und seine Werke, mit thematischem Verzeichnis seiner Kompositionen und zwei Bildern
  • This work is in the public domain in the United States and is able to be viewed and downloaded freely by those in the US. However, HathiTrust appears to use some type of a system that limits one's viewing and downloading by IP number. Because of this, the information may not display properly at the HathiTrust site for those outside of the US. I have uploaded a copy of the complete page showing the image, and the front page with the copyright and printing information on it. The book is in German and was published in Leipzig.
Kommentar zur Lizenz:
(Originaltext: Printed before 1923)
Public domain

Übertragen aus en.wikipedia nach Commons.
(Original text : HathiTrust record for their copy of the book. Image is on front pages of book with no page number given.

Perma Link to HathiTrust copy of book.)
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