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Wiang Thakan or Vieng Tah Garn is located at Thakan Village, Tumbol Barn Klang, San Patong District. The town plan is a rectangle shape with a size of 500x700 meters. The city planning was laid down to correspond with the water route of Mae Ping River that flows through the North West to the South East areas. There are two rivers that flow along both sides of Wiang Thakan. The first one is at the west side and it is called the Kan River while at the east side there is the Mae Ping River flowing through both sides of the city resulting in the land becoming fertile. Wiang Thakan city wall is a Two-layer rampart. There is a ditch in between. There are several important temples which are Hariphunchai era style temples inherited from Lanna civilization. So, we will find Hariphunchai style baked clay mold Buddha Statues and baked clay utensils, Bronze Buddha, and Lanna utensils. Since B.E. 2550 (2007) Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn and Her Royal Highness Princesses, her daughters (the grandaughters of the King), come to preside over the Loi Krathong Festival every year. There are many important activities such as the release of the flying light to worship Pra Ket Kaew Chula Manee.
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