Western Cape 2011 population density map

1126 x 888 Pixel (759053 Bytes)
Population density map of the Western Cape province of South Africa, from the 2011 Census, at the "Small Area" level.
<1 inhabitant/km²
1–3 inhabitants/km²
3–10 inhabitants/km²
10–30 inhabitants/km²
30–100 inhabitants/km²
100–300 inhabitants/km²
300–1000 inhabitants/km²
1000–3000 inhabitants/km²
>3000 inhabitants/km²
Projection is Albers Equal-Area Conic, with standard parallels at 25.5° S and 31.5° S, and origin at 28.5° S 25.5° E.
Public domain
Statistics South Africa's Census 2011 is the source of the basic population data. The map results from my own processing of the data.
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