Wehrmacht soldier of the Croatian Legion (35405980276)

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A volunteer soldier of the 369th Infantry Regiment, later the 373rd Croatian Infantry Division, holding a MG34, with the shield of his unit in his chest. The Croatian Division, also known as the Tiger Division, was part of the Wehrmacht during the World War II. It was formed in June 1943 using a brigade from the Home Guard of the Independent State of Croatia with the addition of a German formation, a total amount of 12.000 soldiers. Although it was composed mostly by Croatians volunteers, it was leaded by Germans officers. It was formed with the aim of service on the Eastern Front, but it was used to counterattack Partisan operations in Yugoslavia. By the end of the war, the division had to retreat into mainland Germany, severely depleted by desertion, eventually surrendering to the Partisans on 10 May 1945 in modern-day Slovenia.

c. 1943

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