
Original uploaded by F McGady (Transfered by XenonX3)
800 x 617 Pixel (312196 Bytes)
The black and white photo on the left was taken shortly after the end of World War II. The photo was taken from the Neues Rathaus next to the Marienplatz. In the right of the photo is a view of the roofless and pockmarked Altes Rathaus looking up the Tal. The roofless Heilig-Geist-Kirche is on the right of the photo. Its spire, without the copper top, is behind the church. The Talbruck gate tower is missing completely. When you look at the photo I took in 1989 at right from almost the same spot, you can see how much of München was destroyed and re-built. Some of the old buildings did survive, like the gabled and balconied building in the middle-left part of the picture on, what I believe, the south-east corner of Im Tal and Radlsteg.
Public domain
Original uploaded on en.wikipedia
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(c) Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-2004-1001-502 / CC-BY-SA 3.0
(c) Simon Aschenbrenner, CC BY 3.0

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