Walter Sydney Adams

741 x 1179 Pixel (472162 Bytes)

Creator/Photographer: Unidentified photographer

Medium: Medium unknown

Date: 1931

Persistent URL: <a href=""></a>

Repository: <a href="">Smithsonian Institution Libraries</a>

Collection: <a href="">Scientific Identity: Portraits from the Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology</a> - As a supplement to the Dibner Library for the History of Science and Technology's collection of written works by scientists, engineers, natural philosophers, and inventors, the library also has a collection of thousands of portraits of these individuals. The portraits come in a variety of formats: drawings, woodcuts, engravings, paintings, and photographs, all collected by donor Bern Dibner. Presented here are a few photos from the collection, from the late 19th and early 20th century.

Accession number: SIL14-E1-10
Public domain
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