Vue sur Yoff
Yoff (Sénégal). The Dakar International Airport in the background. My neighborhood, Quakam, is also in the background. I can even see my house in this shot. My better half drove by to see what was going on.
What I really love about this photo is at the time my 5.92 year old daughter was holding the line spool at the time.
Image was captured by a camera suspended by a kite line. Kite Aerial Photography (KAP) Flow Form 16Relevante Bilder
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Yoff (Dakar)Yoff ist einer der 19 Stadtbezirke von Dakar, der Hauptstadt des Senegal. Er umfasst neben dem ursprünglichen Fischerdorf der Lébou und neu entstandenen städtischen Wohngebieten auch eine Insel gleichen Namens, die île de Yoff, sowie das Areal des internationalen Flughafens von Dakar Léopold Sédar Senghor. .. weiterlesen