
Audrey Leprince, Jacques Mahillon
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Caudoviricetes phage adsorption process to Gram-positive bacteria and events leading to genome injection. Phage adsorption to their host involves the interaction between Receptor Binding Proteins (RBP) located at the distal part of phage tails and receptors at the surface of the bacterial cell envelope. This process is divided into three steps:
(1) random diffusion in the medium,
(2) reversible attachment, and
(3) irreversible attachment to the bacteria. The adsorption can be assisted by depolymerases cleaving capsular polysaccharides that can hamper receptor access. Following adsorption, virion-associated lysins may locally break down the PG (4) and, finally, conformational changes in the virion structure lead to genome injection (5).
Phage Adsorption to Gram-Positive Bacteria . In: MDPI: Viruses 2023, 15(1), 196; doi:10.3390/v15010196 .
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