View of Cocos Island and Traitors' Island (better quality)

Willem Schouten
2568 x 1626 Pixel (3345025 Bytes)
The print shows inhabitants of Verraders Eiland (Traitors' Island) pelting the Eendracht with stones, because they are impressed with the hardness of the wood of which the vessel is made. The Dutch felt threatened and responded with musket fire. The island subsequently became known as 'Verraders Eiland'. During the days before this incident contact between the two sides had progressed relatively well.

The expedition undertaken by Schouten and Le Maire was equipped in 1615 by Le Maire's father, for the Australische Compagnie. This company attempted to circumvent the VOC's patent by finding an alternative route to Indonesia. Schouten and Le Maire succeeded in their quest by sailing around Vuurland instead of through the Magellan Straits. But despite their discovery of a new route, their expedition was not very successful. Once they reached Batavia their story was not believed and their remaining vessel, the Eendracht, was confiscated along with its cargo.

Cocos Island is now known as Tafahi, while Traitors' Island is called Niuatoputapu. Both islands are part of the kingdom of Tonga.
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