Uvs Aimag Flag
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1500 x 750 Pixel (14771 Bytes)
Flag of Uvs Aimag, Mongolia
Official blason: http://uvs.gov.mn/index.php?c=3&menu=34
- size ratio 1:2
- hoist tip should be shaped like an arrow tip
- background color blue for province namesake Lake Uvs
- Four rows of white waves near the bottom for the 4 tribes living in the aimag (Dörvöd, Bayad, Khoton, Khalkh)
- Each row with 19 waves, for the 19 sums of the aimag
- in the upper half and left third of the flag a symbolic representation of Chandmani mountain in red, in hommage to the previous name "Chandmani Mountain Aimag".
- The peak of the mountain is covered in snow
- Above the mountain the symbols of moon, sun, and three tongued flame represent the statehood of the aimag
Eigenes Werk Sources: FOTW:http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/m/mn-uvs.gif Vexilla Mundi:http://www.vexilla-mundi.com/mongolia_divisions.html Simple version from official site:http://www.khural.uv.gov.mn/data/main/main1366691883.jpg Photos of the flag's real usage: http://resource.news.mn/local/photo/2011/8/97ff713ed6981191/67190f4ce4853cdbbig.jpg http://local.news.mn/content/87183.shtml
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQO-1mRx6m3CNG8eRzgWA632EMxSDZL3TRdGG79MvZ2n1WjExqNOgRelevante Bilder
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