United Kingdom general election 1874

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Map of the United Kingdom 1874 general election results. Constituencies varied in the number of Member returned, with the smallest constituencies returning 1 member, and the largest returning 4 members. Hatched colouring is used in constituencies returning members from separate parties. So, a 2:1 hatch indicates that 2 of the 3 members returned came from 1 party, with the remaining member coming from another. The colouring is also used to indicate this.
Constituency returned 1 Liberal
Constituency returned 2 Liberals
Constituency returned 3 Liberals
Constituency returned 1 Conservative
Constituency returned 2 Conservatives
Constituency returned 3 Conservatives
Constituency returned 1 Home Ruler
Constituency returned 2 Home Rulers
Territory not represented in parliament (Isle of Man)
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Eigenes Werk. Map is based on a variety of sources. Constituency control derived from the English Wikipedia. Constituency boundaries largely based on the map collection at Old Maps Online (which includes the 1832 & 1868 Boundary Commission reports) and the wider Visions of Britain website, by the University of Portsmouth, JISC, and Klokan. These websites provided an invaluable source of information in terms of British constituency demarcations.

Irish constituency boundaries in turn were largely based on this work by Irish Political Maps.
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