Ukrainian National Chornobyl Museum (8600678579)

Jorge Láscar from Australia
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The Ukrainian National Chornobyl Museum is a history museum in Kiev, Ukraine, dedicated to the 1986 Chernobyl disaster and its consequences. It houses an extensive collection of visual media, artifacts, scale models and other representational items designed to educate the public about many aspects of the disaster. Several exhibits depict the technical progression of the accident, and there are also many areas dedicated to the loss of life and cultural ramifications of the disaster.

Due to the nature of the subject material, the museum provides a very visually engaging experience. Symbolic display of "road signs" for the villages abandoned as a result of the disaster. To stress the tragedy of devastation, the signs are colored in black (instead of standard blue/white) and slashed with pink stripe (which designates "end of the settlement" on the actual signs). Above the signs is an authentic Khorugv from the abandoned village church.

Museum occupies an early 20th century building which formerly housed a fire brigade and was donated in 1992 by the State Fire Protection Guard. []
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