US Air Force Wikileaks blocked screenshot

U.S. Air Force (likely a member of their IT staff)
600 x 418 Pixel (109943 Bytes)

A screenshot of a US Air Force webpage, shown to a service member when attempting to access a Wikileaks-related news story on MSNBC's website. The text reads as follows:

Internet Usage is Logged & Monitored

Why is this site blocked?
As per SAF/AA memorandum dated Aug 09 2010, the wikileaks websites, mirrors, and sites referencing publicized classified information have been blocked. All inquiries should be referred to the Air Force Public Affairs Office at (703) 695-0640.

Is access to this site mission essential?
If access is required to support mission objectives, contact your local Network Control Center (NCC), and submit a Boundary Modification Request AFTO 265 and E-mail it to your local Base Change Sponsor. (In the GAL, search for "Change" to find your sponsor.) Instructions for filling out the Boundary Modification Request Form can be found here. The Integrated Network Operations Security Center (I-NOSC) is the final approval authority for all URL exemption requests.

Before submitting a Boundary Modification Request, please review the following information:
Using the internet for unauthorized purposes may result in adverse administrative or disciplinary action. The following activities involving the use of government-provided computer hardware or software listed in AFI 33-129 and AFI 33-119 are specifically prohibited: Storing, processing, displaying, sending, or otherwise transmitting potentially offensive (i.e. hate literature, racist literature, neo- Nazi materials, etc. or sexually-harassing materials) or obscene language or materials such as pornography and other sexually-explicit materials.

Source IP: [Redacted]
Username: [Redacted]
Destination URL:
Destination Port: [Redacted]
Webfilter Category: News/Media

Public domain
Marcus Baram. Air Force 'Routinely' Blocks Access To News Websites; HuffPost Caught In The Web. Huffington Post. Posted 2010-12-17 at 5:35 pm.
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