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USGS - Geologic Map of Mars - 2014 -

July 14, 2014


NOTE: CROP by Dr. Dennis Bogdan (Drbogdan) - converted original PDF image ( to PNG image via GIMP v2.8 & cropped with PSP v6.2 - July 22, 2014.

NOTE: FULL IMAGE => File:USGS-MarsMap-sim3292-20140714-full.png - derived from original PDF image at =>



By Kenneth L. Tanaka, James A. Skinner, Jr., James M. Dohm, Rossman P. Irwin, III, Eric J. Kolb, Corey M. Fortezzo, Thomas Platz, Gregory G. Michael, and Trent M. Hare


This global geologic map of Mars, which records the distribution of geologic units and landforms on the planet's surface through time, is based on unprecedented variety, quality, and quantity of remotely sensed data acquired since the Viking Orbiters. These data have provided morphologic, topographic, spectral, thermophysical, radar sounding, and other observations for integration, analysis, and interpretation in support of geologic mapping. In particular, the precise topographic mapping now available has enabled consistent morphologic portrayal of the surface for global mapping (whereas previously used visual-range image bases were less effective, because they combined morphologic and albedo information and, locally, atmospheric haze). Also, thermal infrared image bases used for this map tended to be less affected by atmospheric haze and thus are reliable for analysis of surface morphology and texture at even higher resolution than the topographic products.
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