
U.S. Government (National Science Foundation)
720 x 720 Pixel (97102 Bytes)
Archived logo of the United States Antarctic Program (USAP). The ice-covered continent of Antarctica is white, and the major ice shelves (i.e., floating glacier ice) are light blue. Lines of longitude are red, and the Prime Meridian (Greenwich, or 0° longitude) points up.[1]
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Public domain from a copyright standpoint, but other restrictions may apply. See this page for some more info.
Public domain
Extracted from the PDF version of the USAP Participant Guide (direct PDF URL [2] or [3]), and colorized according to bitmap logo found on this NSF page.
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Weitere Informationen zur Lizenz des Bildes finden Sie hier. Letzte Aktualisierung: Tue, 02 Mar 2021 21:24:21 GMT

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