US2563477A Electronic Musical Instrument (1948-05-01 filed, 1951-08-07 published) by Constant Martin - Clavioline Fig.1

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US patent application 2564477, Constant Martin, "Electronic Musical Instrument", published 1951-08-07  , filed 1948-05-01
  • Fig.1 is a wiring diagram illustrating a device according to the invention.
  • Fig.2 is a wiring diagram of a perlodical modulator associated with the device of the invention for the production of a vibrato effect.
  • Fig.3 is a wiring diagram illustrating a filter assembly adapted for connection between the coupling system and the amplifier.
 The above figures are given merely by way of example and the devices or elements shown therein are not restrictive of the scope of the invention which it will be understood also includes any operative modifications and alternative conforming to the spirit thereof.
Public domain
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