The Amphitheatre of Tusculum and Albano Mountains, Rome

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Thomas Worthington Whittredge (May 22, 1820 - February 25, 1910) was an American artist of the Hudson River School. Whittredge was a highly regarded artist of his time, and was friends with several leading Hudson River School artists including Albert Bierstadt and Sanford Robinson Gifford. He traveled widely and excelled at landscape painting, many examples of which are now in major museums. Whittredge spent nearly ten years in Europe, meeting and travelling with other important artists. The ancient culture of Italy offered a poignant tale of faded glory contrasting with America's rise to economic power. The Tusculum theatre is shown in the harsh light of day
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Public domain
Own photograph of painting in the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington DC
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Tusculum war im Altertum und Mittelalter eine Stadt in Latium, südöstlich von Rom in den Albaner Bergen, in deren Umgebung in der Antike reiche Römer wohnten. Die Ausgrabungen der antiken Stadt befinden sich auf dem Monte Tuscolo oberhalb des heutigen Frascati, im Gemeindegebiet von Grottaferrata. .. weiterlesen