Triglav y Valle de Vrata (14202569306) (2)

Javier Sanchez Portero from Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España
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11007 x 4291 Pixel (30415536 Bytes)
Panorama of Vrata Valley, Triglav National Park, Slovenia. As a fine line in the grass you can see the vertical ascension of more than 1000 meters over the wall leading to the Triglavski dom na Kredarici Hut and Triglav (2864 m). On the right, after the Luknja pass descends the Trenta Valley. Canon EOS 400D with Sigma 17-70mm lens at 17mm. The top row of the panorama is composed of 8 frames, each consisting of a fork of 3 exposures (± 2 EV) combined with Enfuse and developed in RawTherapee. The lower row is composed of 7 frames developed in RawTherapee. The set is combined with Hugin with equirectangular projection and has 236ºx113º.
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Der Triglav ist mit 2864 m. i. J. der höchste Gipfel Sloweniens und der Julischen Alpen. Er liegt im Zentrum des nach ihm benannten Triglav-Nationalparks, des einzigen Nationalparks des Landes. .. weiterlesen