
Simon Weber
859 x 1957 Pixel (135574 Bytes)

Ball-and-stick model of the column structure as part of the crystal structure of titanium tetrafluoride, TiF4.

The crystal structure consists of three, crystallographically different Ti4+ cations which are surrounded octahedrally by six F ions each. Each TiF6 octahedron is connected to two other TiF6 octahedra equatorially, creating a ring with the composition Ti3F15. By connecting these rings axially with other rings, isolated columns are formed.

Structure determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction reported in Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 1995, 621, 1227–1231 and is available as CSD entry 1639008 and ICSD entry 78737.

CAS® Registry Number: 7783-63-3

Colour code:

Titanium, Ti: light grey
Fluorine, F: light green
Model manipulated and image generated in CCDC Mercury 2022.3.0.
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