The Oxus Treasure by Nickmard Khoey (BM)1

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A collection of 5th-4th BCE gold objects from the Oxus Treasure now in the British Museum. Many of the pieces in the Oxus Treasure are bent, chopped into small pieces or missing their original coloured inlays. This was first thought to be the work of the looters who found and sold these items in the 19th century. However, this is also a feature of hoards of precious metals. A similar hoard of chopped silver was excavated at Babylon.
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Der Oxus-Schatz ist eine Sammlung von aus Gold und Silber bestehenden Fundstücken, vor allem aus der Zeit des Achämenidenreiches. Der genaue Fundort in Baktrien ist unklar; er lag am Fluss Oxus, der heute Amudarja heißt. .. weiterlesen