The Mayflower Hotel (118097911)

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The Mayflower Hotel

Connecticut Avenue at L St NW

---tuned 80 years old in February 2005

---the 660 room hotel opened on Feb 18, 1925 ---during its 80 years it has undergone massive renovations and has had several different owners including: ...Hilton Hotel Corporation ?Stouffer Hotel Corporation ?and now its current owners---CTF Holdings operating it under the brand name Renaissance run by Marriott International since 1977

---historic events that happened at the Mayflower ?Charles Lindbergh celebrated his historic flight around the world in 1927 ??Blonde Bombshell?, Jean Harlow was so intrigued by the hotels switchboard, she spent a morning in 192 as a stand in operator ?Franklin Delano Roosevelt wrote the famous line ?we have nothing to fear, but fear itself? in Suite 776 in 1933 ?Harry W. Colmery drafted the original ?GI Bill? on Mayflower stationary in Room 570 in 1943 ?FBI Director, J Edgar Hoover had the same lunch of buttered toast, cottage cheese and grapefruit, salad and chicken soup at the same table everyday for 20 years ?Monica Lewinsky was deposed by the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1999 there during the Impeachment of then President Bill Clinton

---in honor of its 80th birthday, many of the hotels ?lost? and now found (thru ebay and the like) items are on display, they include: ?40 solid brass plates , with a 14 karat gold wash worth about $3,000 found tucked away in a safe behind a desk in the hotel?s accounting office. The hotel had bought the plates, which belonged to Evalyn Walsh McLean, who owned the Hope Diamond, at an estate sale in 1948

?they are still looking for two missing paintings, one of George Washington and one of John Adams that once hung at one end of the Presidential Dining Room. The matching pair of presidential paintings of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison which hung on the opposite end of the dining room now hang in the hotel?s promenade.
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