The Great Seal of Colony of the Island of Vancouver and its Dependencies

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Photograph of the Great Seal of Colony of the Island of Vancouver and its Dependencies (c. 1849). Designed by Benjamin Wyon (1802-1858), Chief Engraver of Her Majesty's Seals. Original held at British Museum. This seal is on the classic pattern of British colonial seals from the Nineteenth Century, and combines the Royal Arms of Queen Victoria in the top third of the image with the symbols of the colony in a highly stylised shield or badge on the bottom two thirds. The principal symbols of the badge are Trident of Neptune and the Caduceus of Hermes crossed in saltire. These represent the sea and trade respectively. Above this is set a pine cone, and below is a beaver sitting on a small island surrounded by water. These represent the forest and other natural resources of the colony and perhaps also the early connection of the colony to the Hudson’s Bay Company (who also bore a beaver on their arms). The seal was only in use from the time of its creation until the union of Vancouver Island with its neighbouring colony on the mainland, British Columbia, in 1866. The united colony would, in turn, join the Canadian confederation in 1871. These symbols have, however, lived on, with a similar version of the British Royal Arms and colonial badge being featured on the Victoria Times Colonist newspaper, which originates in from the colonial period. In addition to this there is the flag of Vancouver Island, which is a British blue ensign flag with the badge of the colony in a white disk on the fly, which is still commonly flown on Vancouver Island.

Sources consulted:

Swan, Conrad. Canada: Symbols of Sovereignty, University of Toronto Press, 1977 (pp 181)
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