The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles by Captain John Smith

2240 x 3323 Pixel (2631979 Bytes)
Rare Title Page / Map from the 1626 edition of John Smith's The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles, first published in London in 1624. Printed at London for Michael Sparkes. 258 mm x 174 mm. As noted by Burden: "The title page to this rare work included a map of the east coast of North America from Cape Fear to Penobscot Bay. The work brought together, amongst others, the relations of John Smth's experiences in Virginia and New England. Clearly the map was not intended to be accurate. The portraits of the two kings and Queen Elizabeth appeared within it. The latter is placed above Ould Virginia, reflecting her influence over Walter Raleigh's attempted colonization. James I is shown above the more successful Jamestown settlement, and Charles as prince is depicted over New England, an area for which he chose a number of the placenames. The area between Delaware Bay and Cape Cod is the poorest accuracy; however Hudson River is prominently displayed. The Atlantic Ocean is adorned with ships, including sunken ones off Cape Hatarask, sea monsters and a shoal of Cod. Either side of the title itself are the arms of both the Virginia Company and the Council For New England . . ."
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