The Capture of the 'Glorioso', 8 October 1747

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The Spanish 74-gun ship 'Glorioso' was on her way to Cadiz from Ferrol, where she had landed treasure, when she was attacked by a number of English ships, including the 'Royal family' squadron of privateers commanded by Commodore Walker. She was engaged by several ships of inferior force including Walker's privateer the 'King George', 32 guns, which kept up a close but unequal struggle for several hours, and the 'Dartmouth', 50 guns, which blew up. After a five-hour battle, the 'Glorioso' was finally captured by the 'Russell', 80 guns, which was returning half-manned from the Mediterranean. The last shots of the action are shown with the 'Russell' and 'Glorioso' in the centre of the picture, both running in starboard-bow view. In a calm sea, the 'Glorioso', right, has lost her topmast, her ensign is being struck and there is a sailor on her bowsprit taking down the jack. To the left, the 'King George', in starboard-broadside view, is hove-to, with her sails in ribbons, her mizzen topmast gone and her foreyard shot in two. The topsails of the 'Prince Frederick' can be seen between the 'Russell' and 'Glorioso' over the gun-smoke. To their right in the background is a third privateer and to the right, port-broadside view, is the sinking, burning wreck of the 'Dartmouth', her foremast still standing. Only fourteen of her crew survived.
Français : Capture du vaisseau de 74 canons espagnol Glorioso. Le 8 octobre 1747, le Glorioso est attaqué par un groupe de corsaires britanniques. Le Dartmouth, l'un des corsaires, est représenté brulant, juste avant de sombrer. Le Glorioso, au centre, affronte le HMS Russell, un vaisseau britannique de 80 canons, à gauche. Celui-ci, rentrant en Angleterre, vient prêter main forte aux corsaires et capture le vaisseau espagnol.
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