Tax March (33224903224)

Fabrice Florin from Mill Valley, USA
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We joined the Tax March in San Francisco on April 15, to ask that Mr. Trump stop being a chicken and release his tax returns. Americans have the right to know what he's been hiding from us.

The rally featured speeches by Rep. Nancy Pelosi and others in front of City Hall. We then marched down Market Street with Phyllis, Priscilla, Jean, Natalie and our friends from Mill Valley Community Action Network (MVCAN).

It felt great to stand up for our rights, social justice and transparency -- and join forces to support a politics of hope, not fear. There were so many creative signs from a wide range of participants, from families with children to young adults and seniors. We were energized to be part of this active and diverse community and voice our concerns together about a man that seems unfit to serve as U.S. President.

See more photos in our Tax March album:

See more photos in our Women’s March album:

Learn more about the Tax March:
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