Swedish Atomic Bomb

620 x 280 Pixel (11507 Bytes)
Schematic Design of a 1956 Swedish Atomic Bomb (Which Was Never Built)
Public domain
From T. Magnusson, "Design and Effects of Atomic Weapons," Kosmos, Fysika Uppsatser, 34 180 (1956) Sweden. Translated and printed as JPRS:8295, Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept of Commerce. This diagram was reprinted as Figure 8 in Robert W. Selden "An Introduction to Fission Explosives," UCID-15554, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, California, July 1969. Line drawing scanned from "History of the Swedish Atom Bomb," Ny Teknik No. 17, 25 April 1985, cleaned up, re-labeled, and colored by Howard Morland, 2007.
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