Stroud in Warden notebook

2696 x 3000 Pixel (3784129 Bytes)

Title: Warden's notebook page, with "mug shot," of Robert Stroud, 594-AZ, aka "The Birdman of Alcatraz."

Production Date: January 19, 1917

Warden's notebook page, with "mug shot," of Robert Stroud, 594-AZ, aka "The Birdman of Alcatraz.", 1942 - 1942 ?; Warden's Notebook Pages, 1934 – 1963

From: Records of the Bureau of Prisons, 1870 - 1981; Record Group 129; National Archives.

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This is a page from the Alcatraz Warden's notebook on Robert Stroud, 594-AZ, aka "the Birdman of Alcatraz," born on January 28, 1890.

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