Stelescu & Codreanu, Casa Verde, 1933

1182 x 1142 Pixel (121843 Bytes)
Romanian fascist Corneliu Zelea Codreanu (on the right, in folk costume) with adherents of his Iron Guard movement, at the building site of Casa Verde (the Guard's official lair). Standing next to him is Mihai Stelescu, presumably wearing the paramilitary suit: green shirt, black tie. The next year, Stelescu and Codreanu would split over ideological issues; Stelescu was ultimately murdered by the Guard in 1936.
The context and the personages are identifiable from another photograph in the Historia series, marked: "zelea codreanu pe santierul de la casa verde etc..
Public domain
"Mişcarea legionară: istorie în imagini", online series at the Historica magazine site (2013)
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