Stade Jewish cemetery 1

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The Jewish Cemetery in Stade, Lower Saxony, Germany. Founded on occasion of the first burial, that of Judith Leffman, by 1730 (definitely before 1732). Last burial in June 1940, that of Albert Davids (d. 31 May 1940). Stade's burgomaster Dr. Carl Nörtemann ordered the registration of all stones (then amounting to 30; July 1940) and then urged the removal of all those marking graves of people whose deaths happened 20 years earlier or longer ago (28 grave markers). On 2 December 1942 the Stade Synagogal Congregation (Synagogengemeinde Stae) had to sell the cemetery for a ridiculous price to the city. On 30 June 1953 the cemetery was restituted to the Lower Saxon state-wide federation of Jewish congregations and is taken care of by the city. The removed tomb stones were storaged on the city's builders' yard. There they were photographed by Dr. Hans Wohltmann, rector of the Gymnasium Athenaeum grammar school, in July 1943. The photographs are preserved, the stones are mostly lost.
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