Soyuz tma-3 transported to launch pad

2811 x 1960 Pixel (1180446 Bytes)
The Soyuz TMA-3 spacecraft and its booster rocket (rear view) is shown on a rail car for transport to the launch pad where it was raised to a vertical launch position at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan on October 16, 2003. Liftoff occurred on October 18th, transporting a three-man crew to the International Space Station (ISS). Aboard were Michael Foale, Expedition-8 Commander and NASA science officer; Alexander Kaleri, Soyuz Commander and flight engineer, both members of the Expedition-8 crew; and European Space agency (ESA) Astronaut Pedro Duque of Spain.
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Baikonur ist eine Stadt im südlichen Kasachstan, etwa 200 Kilometer östlich des Nördlichen Aralsees am Nordufer des Flusses Syrdarja. .. weiterlesen