
Roscosmos/Benjamin Berezin
9012 x 8840 Pixel (3855731 Bytes)
Description from Mike Fincke:

"From ancient Titans lifting worlds on their shoulders to today's space explorers elevating Humanity's appreciation of our own world, legends are meant to inspire people with imagination, creativity, courage, and strength. The 100th Flight of Soyuz exemplifies all that and more with a new-generation Soyuz TMA-13 servicing the International Space Station and advancing science for peace on our planet.

The crew call sign of the Soyuz TMA-13 comrades is "Titan". The names of the cosmonauts and astronaut crew are bordering the Soyuz capsule outlined in Russian national colors, while the vehicle is speeding upwards from its Baikonur launch pad. The 18 stars surround Soyuz Commander Yuri Lonchakov, Expedition 18 Commander Mike Fincke, and private space explorer Richard Garriott for the number of ISS expeditions to date. The crimson red of the name belt pays tribute to the achievement of the original Soyuz 1 and the first Soyuz cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov.

Inspired by the latest crew, Ben Berezin, author of this patch believes that the theme of uniting ancient with new symbols will uplift not only their spirits but all of those working for space missions in togetherness, capturing the core of the meaning of the word "soyuz" or "union"."...
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Anmerkung – Diese Lizenzvorlage gilt auch für offizielle Dokumente, Staatssymbole und Zeichen der Russischen Sozialistischen Föderativen Sowjetrepublik und der Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken (Unionsebene[1]).

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Michael Fincke

Edward Michael „Mike“ Fincke ist ein US-amerikanischer Astronaut. .. weiterlesen