Sine cosine integral

512 x 384 Pixel (37818 Bytes)
This is a plot of sine integral and cosine integral functions (for ).

The plot was produced by the following MATLAB code:

x = 0:0.01*pi:8*pi;
Si = sinint(x); Ci = cosint(x); % requires Symbolix Math Toolbox
plot(x,Si, x,Ci);
margin = 0.3;
axis([min(x)  max(x)  min([min(Si),min(Ci)])  max([max(Si),max(Ci)]) + margin])
title('{\bfSine integral} and {\bfcosine integral}');
legend('Si({\itx})', 'Ci({\itx})', 'Location','SouthEast')
The plot was converted to SVG using the plot2svg function from MATLAB Central.
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