Simona Bonafè (July 2022)

European Parliament
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MEPs welcomed the decision to open the EU’s doors to Ukraine and Moldova, but asked leaders to strengthen the EU, and tackle the latest crisis.

MEPs discussed the conclusions of 23-24 June European Council summit with President Charles Michel and Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič. Almost all speakers welcomed the decision to commence the accession process for Ukraine and Moldova, as Parliament had already asked. Many MEPs underlined that the road to accession is going to be long and will require many reforms for Ukraine and Moldova. They stresses that the EU should find other ways to support the countries in the meantime, including with military equipment, some argued.

Numerous speakers referred to the need to treat Western Balkan countries fairly and unblock their accession, as Parliament has already repeatedly asked in the past. Regarding the Conference on the Future of Europe and Parliament’s call for a Convention to revise the EU Treaties, many MEPs criticised the lack of ambition shown by the Council in this regard, highlighting that the need to reform the EU and the way it works is urgent. Citizens must not be let down and their expectations must be fulfilled, they insisted.

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Simona Bonafè

Simona Bonafè ist eine italienische Politikerin der Partito Democratico. Sie war von 2014 bis 2022 Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments. Seit 2022 ist sie erneut Mitglied der italienischen Abgeordnetenkammer, der sie bereits von 2013 bis 2014 angehörte. .. weiterlesen