Senesino, Francesca Cuzzoni & Faustina Bordoni & 2 of Senesino's slaves

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980 x 788 Pixel (226783 Bytes)
Senesino's arrival in London received by the two rival queens of Handel's opera academy - Francesca Cuzzoni and Faustina Bordoni (from 1730 Faustina Hasse)

Original legend: Title: The most illustrious Signor Senesino's landing in England Title Page Transcript: [...] / Ready Mony / [...] / 1. The most Illustrious Signor Senesino's Landing in England amidst the Acclamations & Submissions of all lovers of Musick & Harmony / who wait for his coming on Shore. 2. The Rival Queens Signora Faustina & Signora Cuzzoni contending for this Charming Demi-Man. 3. Two / of Signor Senesino's Servants carrying the Wealth he has brought over from Italy. 4. Two uncouth Fellows shewing by their Action their / contempt for Polite Arts & these Illustrious Performers whose coming into ths Country has prov'd so beneficial & Advantagious to the Publick.

Comments: Physical Description: 187 x 260mm Notes: Line engraving. Senesino is depicted landing on shore with a ship and a small sailing vessel in the distance. Either side of him are Faustina and Cuzzoni; two servants (one African) to his right unload his 'wealth' while adoring crowds of the British upper classes welcome him by bowing at his presence. In the foreground two disgruntled characters move away from the scene, possibly representing theatre owners who will be out of pocket considering Senesino's reputedly large fees. Senesino was engaged to sing for the Royal Academy of Music who had offered a contract of 3,000 guineas for the season: his first performance was on 19th November 1720 in Bononcini's Astarto. He performed in every season until the end of the first Academy in 1728. Cuzzoni's London début was on 12th January 1723 and Bordoni's in 1726.

Another version of this scene is found in Bickham's Musical Entertainer (p.38).
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