Seal of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

U.S. government
500 x 500 Pixel (171624 Bytes)

Seal of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The seal is used to authenticate letters patent, certificates of trademark registrations, and papers issued by USPTO.

This version of the seal dates from August 26, 2003, and consists of a federal eagle astride a shield clutching an olive branch and arrows. This was simplified from an earlier version, which additionally contained an anvil, sledge and gear wheel to represent industrial technologies, and a sheaf of wheat, sickle, and plow to represent agricultural technologies.

A directive dated March 30, 2000 showing the old seal is here, and the directive changing the design in 2003 is here.
Kommentar zur Lizenz:
Public domain from a copyright standpoint, but other trademark-like restrictions apply.
Public domain
Extracted from PDF file here
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United States Patent and Trademark Office

Das United States Patent and Trademark Office ist das dem Handelsministerium der Vereinigten Staaten unterstellte Patentamt der Vereinigten Staaten, das Patente für Erfindungen vergibt und für die Etablierung von Marken- und geistigen Eigentumsrechten verantwortlich ist. Es hat seinen Sitz seit 2006 in Alexandria (Virginia). .. weiterlesen