Scientific American Volume 75 Number 21 (November 1896) (1896) (14594134850)
Appears as a British automobile made by the Arnold Motor Carriage Co., East Peckham, Kent, UK. Described as Arnold Oil Motor Carriage with Benz engine.
Identifier: scientific-american-1896-11-21 (find matches)
Title: Scientific American Volume 75 Number 21 (November 1896)
Year: 1896 (1890s)
Subjects: scientific tbe american patent tion wild valve dogs scientific american munn cast iron building edition candle power coast defense rapid transit corn pith hunting dogs rapid fire american supplement
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Itis known as Ar-nolds oil motorcarriage. It is anexcellent exampleof an all roundroad wagon at amoderate price—it costs £130. Thecarriage seats twopeople, butadmits of a seat atthe back so as tocarry three peopleor even four peo-p 1 e of moderateweight. The car-riage is propelledby benzine, thewell known Benzmotor being used.The entire weightof the motor isabout 500 pounds.Owing to the con-centrated natureof the propellingagent, the vehiclecan be run 60 or 70miles without re-filling the reser-voir. The car-riage itself is verypleasing in de-sign, the wheelshaving rubbertires and runningon ball bearings ;the spokes are ar-ranged as in bicy-cle wheels. Thecarriage is easilyguided, and de-scends the steep-est hill withoutusing the brake, as the engine is arranged to do its own back pedal-ing, as it were. The current to work the igniter is ob-tained from an accumulator. The current stored issufficient to work the carriage 300 miles.The horseless carriage has been having a hard time in
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THE OLDS HORSELESS CARRIAGE. England owing to antiquated laws, but thanks to sen-sible legislation, the industry will probably now developrapidly. England, with its superb roads, is a splendidfield for the utilization of the horseless carriage. Slams Hew Railway. With the exception of the short narrow gage line toPaknam, the railway now under construction fromBangkok to Khorat is the only railway in Siam. It isto be the first of a vast ramification of lines designed todistribute civilization to the most distant portions ofthe kingdom. That the construction of the railway toKhorat should be persisted in is a matter of the high-
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Arnold Motor CarriageArnold Motor Carriage Company war ein britischer Hersteller von Automobilen. .. weiterlesen