Sandringham 23-05-2011 (5758009257)

Karen Roe from Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK, United Kingdom
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The Norfolk retreat of HM The Queen.

Sandringham is the much-loved country retreat of Her Majesty The Queen, and has been the private home of four generations of British monarchs since 1862. The house, set in 24 hectares of stunning gardens, is perhaps the most famous stately home in Norfolk and is at the heart of the 8,000-hectare Sandringham Estate, 240 hectares of which make up the woodland and heath of the Country Park.

The Museum at Sandringham holds an extraordinary collection ranging from the very large - the 1939 Merryweather fire engine - to the very small - tiny Indian doll dancers in the Curio Cupboard - and from the grand - gifts in pearl and exotic hardwoods given to The Queen on State Visits abroad - to the personal - the clock used in the Royal Pigeon Lofts at Sandringham to time Her Majesty's racing pigeons. It is housed in the former coach houses and stable block which, over the years have also been used as police post, fire brigade station, Carving School and Royal garages.
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(c) David Dixon, CC BY-SA 2.0
(c) PJMarriott, CC BY 3.0
(c) PJMarriott, CC BY 3.0

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