Salyut 1 and Soyuz drawing

2080 x 1466 Pixel (69087 Bytes)
Salyut 1. Visible at the rear of the station (left) is the Soyuz-based propulsion module. A Salyut 1 Soyuz prepares to dock at the front of the station (right). Note the station’s Soyuz-type solar arrays.
Public domain
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(c) Bundesarchiv, B 145 Bild-F078072-0004 / Katherine Young / CC BY-SA 3.0 DE
(c) Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-00627-0504 / CC-BY-SA 3.0
© Superbass / CC BY-SA 4.0 (via Wikimedia Commons)
(c) Photograph by Rama, Wikimedia Commons, Cc-by-sa-2.0-fr
(c) photo by Alan Light, CC BY 2.0

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