SOAOTO - Folio 051R

Autor/-in unbekanntUnknown author
300 x 453 Pixel (42180 Bytes)
Statuts, Ordonnances et Armorial de l'Ordre de la Toison d'Or (Statutes, Ordonnances and armorial of the Order of the Golden Fleece)
  • Place of origin, date: Southern Netherlands; 1473. Added sections: Southern Netherlands; 1478 or shortly after and 1491 or shortly after
  • Material: Vellum, ff. 86, 249x187 (167x106) mm, 23 lines, littera cursiva (lettre bourguignonne). French. Binding: 18th-century brown leather
  • Decoration: 1 full-page miniature (170x115 mm) with border decoration; 92 miniatures (185/155x120/100 mm); 1 historiated initial (80x90 mm) with border decoration; decorated initials with border decoration (ff., Added section: miniatures ; 4 drawings for miniatures (not finished)
  • Provenance: Presented in 1473 by Gilles Gobet, King of Arms of the Order of the Golden Fleece, to Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy and the other Knights during the Chapter of the Order held at Valenciennes; Treasure of the Golden Fleece, Brussls; taken away by the Treasurer C.-F. Humyn (d. 1735) or his daughter C.Ch. de Corte; by legacy to her daughter M.-L. de Corte, wife of Ph.-E. de Poederlé; purchased in 1781 at the Poederlé sale by G.-J- Gérard of Brussels; acquired in 1832 as part of the Gérard collection (no. A 27)
Public domain
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