Rus Caspian

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Map showing the locations of major Rus' raids in the Caspian Sea from the mid ninth to mid eleventh centuries CE. Blue dates indicate major Rus' raids; purple outline indicates area affected by the 913 Caspian invasion. Names of polities and tribes indicate locations in the late tenth century.

Eigenes Werk


  • Gorgan & Barda Hancock, James F. (Englisch) Spices, Scents and Silk: Catalysts of World Trade, S. 154 ISBN: 9781789249743.
  • Abaskun & Baku: Basilevsky, Alexander (Englisch) Early Ukraine: A Military and Social History to the Mid-19th Century, S. 96 ISBN: 9781476620220.
  • Samandar: Basilevsky, Alexander (Englisch) Early Ukraine: A Military and Social History to the Mid-19th Century, S. 99 ISBN: 9781476620220.
  • Ganja & Derbent: Golden, P.B. „Rus“ in (Englisch) Encyclopaedia of Islam, Brill Online
  • Shirvan:
    • Basilevsky, Alexander (Englisch) Early Ukraine: A Military and Social History to the Mid-19th Century, S. 96
    • Golden, P.B. (Englisch) Encyclopaedia of Islam, Brill Online
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