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A view of one of the steam engines for the new royal yacht Victoria and Albert made by Humprys, Tenant and Co in 1899. The two engines were capable of 7500 indicated horse-power continuously, or 11000 ihp for short periods at 140rpm. There are four cylinders worked as triple expansion, the high and intermediate pressure cylinders being placed between the two low pressure cylinders. The cylinder diameters are 26.5in, 44.5in, and 2x53in, all with a stroke of 39in. The steam to power these engines was provided by 18 Belleville boilers rated at 300psi, steam pressure at the engines was 250psi.
Public domain
Image from The Engineer magazine, June 9th, 1899, p568.
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Victoria and Albert (Schiff, 1901)

HMY Victoria and Albert war die königliche Staatsyacht des Vereinigten Königreichs und wurde von der Royal Navy betrieben. .. weiterlesen