Ron Stewart Maple Leafs Ralston Purina card

Ralston-Purina Company
968 x 1360 Pixel (859752 Bytes)

Trading card photo of Ron Stewart as a member of the Toronto Maple Leafs. According to the seller, Ralston-Purina also printed trading cards on their pet food bags during the same 1963 to 1965 time period they were printing hockey trading cards on the backs of their Chex cereal boxes in the US and Canada. While the cereal box ones were on sturdier cardboard, the paper ones from the pet food bags had no such backing. Both styles of card were blank on the back, as the collector simply cut them from the box or bag.


"According to the VHC catalogue , these paper issued photos (as opposed to regular cardboard issue) were put out by the Ralston Purina company on bags of pet food and these were produced in very low numbers and are very tough to find in any condition."

These cards were also printed on the backs of Chex cereal boxes in the US and Canada from 1963 to 1965. Those collecting the cards cut them from the back of the boxes. Stewart's cereal box card front.
Kommentar zur Lizenz:
Pre-1978, no mark
Public domain
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Ron Stewart

Ronald George „Ron“ Stewart war ein kanadischer Eishockeyspieler und -trainer, der im Verlauf seiner aktiven Karriere zwischen 1949 und 1973 unter anderem 1472 Spiele für die Toronto Maple Leafs, Boston Bruins, St. Louis Blues, New York Rangers, Vancouver Canucks und New York Islanders in der National Hockey League auf der Position des Centers bestritten hat. In Diensten der Toronto Maple Leafs gewann Stewart zwischen 1962 und 1964 dreimal in Folge den Stanley Cup. Darüber hinaus trainierte der viermalige Teilnehmer am NHL All-Star Game die New York Rangers und Los Angeles Kings in der NHL. .. weiterlesen