Richard Meserve (02010636) (49828853056)
Historical – International Nuclear Safety Group (INSAG)
Dr. Richard Meserve, Head of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission and President of the Carnegie Institution announced the newly constituted International Nuclear Safety Group (INSAG), formed with experts from 15 countries at a press briefing held at the Agency headquarters in Vienna, Austria, on 26 March 2004. INSAG would provide advice and guidance on safety approaches, policies and principles at nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities. The IAEA will serve as the group’s secretariat, under the office of Ken Brockman, Director of the IAEA Division of Nuclear Installation Safety.
INSAG's scope of work includes examining - and sharing experience and information about - fundamental safety issues, and current and emerging important matters relevant to the safety of nuclear power plants, research reactors, and other nuclear fuel cycle facilities. Issues of nuclear security will be addressed insofar as they relate to safety at these installations.
The group - which was newly formed at the request of IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei - held its inaugural meeting at the IAEA in late October 2003, and held additional meetings this week. Meetings are planned twice a year, with the next scheduled in Vienna this November. Members of the group are from Canada, France, Finland, Russian Federation, Spain, Germany, Brazil, United Kingdom, United States, South Africa, Republic of Korea, Japan, Hungary, India, China, and the NEA/OECD.
Photo Credit: Dean Calma / IAEARelevante Artikel
Richard A. MeserveRichard Andrew Meserve ist ein US-amerikanischer Physiker, Wissenschaftsorganisator und Anwalt. .. weiterlesen