Rheineck - Castle Klingelburg (24151305944)

Kecko from Rural area, Eastern Switzerland
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About this castle is almost nothing to read on the internet, except that it comes from the 17th century. But on the building it is written the year 1362. You might think that the castle belongs to Thal, but it is only one meter away from the border on the territory of the municipality of Rheineck, something outlying. It is privately owned and listed as protected cultural asset under the Hague Convention. And there are two anecdotes about the owner of this castle: After a renovation, for a long time a signboard by the manufacturer was to see on the new dome of the tower. It was said in those days, that the manufacturer will not take away the signboard until the dome is paid.

The other time, the owner was in Germany in a hotel. As chance would have it, a club from Rheineck was also in the same hotel. And they noticed, that the owner of the castle had registered himself at the hotel as Baron of Klingelburg. This gave a lot to smile when that came out. Switzerland, Feb 1, 2016.
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