Red Squirrel With Squirrelpox Virus (Cropped Image) (14469353910)

Peter Trimming from Croydon, England
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Apologies for the horror pictures, but thought that areas with red squirrel populations should be aware of this. I would urge any photographers to pay particular attention to the eyes, backed up by the behaviour of the squirrel. Any suspected cases of squirrelpox should be reported to the local red squirrel group (internet search will show contact details).

This picture was taken at Forest How, Eskdale, Cumbria. However, I am hearing that there has been a similar situation in other parts of Cumbria.

Previous outbreaks of squirrelpox have left squirrels with terrible scabs on eyes, mouth, nose and genitals by the time they die. In this outbreak, signs are often much harder to spot. In this squirrel, attention was drawn by extreme lethargy. The swelling above the eyes was the only visible sign.

Another squirrel (post mortem confirmed presence of squirrelpox) had far less swelling around the eyes.

From this stage, death would have occurred within two days.
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