QSMM Two Lancashire looms

Clem Rutter, Rochester, Kent.
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Queen Street Mill in Harle Syke, a suburb to the north-east of Burnley, Lancashire, was built in 1894 for the Queen Street Manufacturing Company. It closed on 12 March 1982 and was mothballed, but was subsequently taken over by Burnley Borough Council and used as a museum. In the 1990s ownership passed to Lancashire Museums. Unique in being the world's only surviving steam-driven weaving shed.

Here a tackler is running two Pemberton'Burnley' Looms, in a six loom set. You see him start the loom by moving the leather drive belt from the idler to the drive wheel and the motion of the loom. He replenishes a shuttle and has both looms working.

In working times, all of the looms would have been in operation at once, one set per operator.
Kommentar zur Lizenz:
Queen Street Mill: Photographs taken for the Backstage Pass Event at the museum on 4th May 2013, or subsequently in co-operation with the museum staff - contact the museum directly for higher resolution images. Back-stage pass
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