Portrait of Euphimia Pavlovna Nosova

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Euphimia Pavlovna Nosova was born in 1886 (or in 1881, 1883; different sources give various dates of her life). She was a daughter of P.M. Ryabushinsky, one of the richest merchants of Russia. In 1910 Euphimia married V.V. Nosov, the son of the manufacturer V.D. Nosov. She was known as a patroness of art and a collector of artworks. After the October Revolution E.P. Nosova abandoned Russia; the information about her life in emigration is scanty. Most probably, Euphimia Nosova died in 1976 (or in 1970) in Rome, Italy.
Euphimia Nosova is portrayed in the gown made by the studio of the noted Russian fashion designer Nadezhda Lamanova (1861–1941).
Public domain
K.A. Somov () Portrait of Euphimia Pavlovna Nosova (postcard), Moskau: State Tretyakov Gallery
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