Portrait of ASTP crews - restoration

  • NASA
  • Restored by
Adam Cuerden   
Beschreibung britischer
Image restorationist, composer, amateur photographer and artist, and Wikipedian
As Adam lives in Britain, which makes it incredibly easy to acquire copyright in his works, he grants, if needed, an irrevokable license to use this work however you see fit. He requests attribution where possible, and realises that "where possible" means that that request is not legally enforcable. Adam Cuerden (Diskussion) 15:44, 16 January 2022 (UTC)
Geburtsdatum 8. Juni 1979
Geburtsort Vereinigte Staaten
See file page for creator info.
8232 x 6586 Pixel (17652805 Bytes)
S75-22410 (March 1975) --- These five men compose the two prime crews of the first-ever two-nation cooperative space mission, known in the US as the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) and in the Soviet Union as the Soyuz-Apollo Experimental Flight (Russian: Экспериментальный полёт Союз-Аполлон, Eksperimantalniy polyot Soyuz-Apollon). This was a docking mission in Earth orbit scheduled for July 1975. They are astronaut Thomas P. Stafford (standing on left), commander of the American crew; cosmonaut Aleksey A. Leonov (standing on right), commander of the Soviet crew; astronaut Donald K. Slayton (seated on left), docking module pilot of the American crew; astronaut Vance D. Brand (seated center), command module pilot of the American crew; and cosmonaut Valeriy N. Kubasov (seated on right), engineer on the Soviet crew. The crew members wear the same mission patch, but oriented to reflect "Soyuz-Apollo" or "Apollo-Soyuz", as the program was called in their respective countries.
Public domain
Diese Mediendatei wurde vom Johnson Space Center der US-amerikanischen National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) unter der Datei-ID S75-22410 kategorisiert.
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