Plan podziemi Katedry Wawelskiej - annotations

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Plan of the basement of the Wawel Cathedral, Kraków, with annotations: A– Entrance hall to St Leonard's Crypt; B– St Leonard's Crypt: B1– altar of St Leonard, B2– tomb of Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki, B3– tomb of Marie Casimire d'Arquien (wife of John III), B4– tomb of John III Sobieski, B5– tomb of Władysław Sikorski, B6– tomb of Tadeusz Kościuszko, B7– tomb of Józef Poniatowski; C– Stephen Báthory's Crypt: C1– tomb of Stephen Báthory; D– Władysław IV Vasa's Crypt: D1– tomb of Maria Anna Isabella Vasa (daughter of Władysław IV), D2– tomb of Cecilia Renata of Austria (wife of Władysław IV), D3– tomb of Władysław IV Vasa, D4– tomb of Sigismund Casimir Vasa (son of Władysław IV); E– South Ambulatory Crypt: E1– tomb of Anna Jagiellon (daughter of Sigismund I), E2– tomb of Stanisław I Leszczyński, E3– tomb of Alexander Charles Vasa (son of Sigismund III), E4– tomb of Anna Maria Vasa (daughter of Sigismund III), E5– tomb of Augustus II the Strong, E6– tomb of Barbara Zápolya (wife of Sigismund I), E7– tomb of Anne of Austria (wife of Sigismund III), E8– tomb of Sigismund II Augustus; F– Sigismund I the Old's Crypt beneath the Sigismund Chapel: F1– tomb of Sigismund I the Old; G– Crypt under the Vasa Chapel: G1– tomb of John II Casimir, G2– tomb of Constance of Austria (wife of Sigismund III), G3– tomb of Cardinal John Albert Vasa (son of Sigismund III), G4– tomb of Sigismund III, G5– tomb of Marie Louise Gonzaga (wife of Władysław IV and John II Casimir), G6– tomb of John Sigismund (son of John II Casimir); H– Józef Piłsudski's Crypt: H1– tomb of Józef Piłsudski; I– Vestibule to Józef Piłsudski's Crypt: I1– urn with soil from Katyn, I2– tomb of Lech Kaczyński and Maria Kaczyńska; J– Crypt of National Poets: J1– urn with soil from the grave of Cyprian Norwid, J2– tomb of Adam Mickiewicz, J3 - crypt altar, J4– tomb of Juliusz Słowacki, J5– urn with soil from the grave of Juliusz Słowacki's mother; K– Crypt of the Archbishops of Kraków; L– Entrance to Royal Tombs from the Czartoryski Chapel; M– Entrance to Silver Bell Tower.
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