Pennsylvania canals

Finetooth, Ruhrfisch, U.S. Census
759 x 414 Pixel (136408 Bytes)
Historic canals of Pennsylvania, including divisions of the 19th-century Pennsylvania Canal system plus navigable rivers, other canals, and four railroads that made the system more useful. Not all of the canals shown on the map existed at the same time.
Public domain
Based on File:Pennsylvania Locator Map.PNG which is a modification by User:Ruhrfisch of a map from the U.S. Census site here and further modified by User:Finetooth with reference to a map by William H. Shank in The Amazing Pennsylvania Canals, 150th Anniversary Edition, published by the American Canal and Transportation Center in 1986 at York, Pennsylvania, ISBN 0-933788-37-1, and a Pennsylvania Canal Society map here.
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